public class iMaslo{
public static GreatProduct ConvertIdeaToReality( Idea idea ){
Details ideaDetails = idea.GetDetails();
WorkPlan workPlan = new WorkPlan( ideaDetails );
Task[] tasksList = workPlan.ExtractTasks();
Result[] amazingResult = new Result( Result.ResultSpeed.FASTEST );
foreach( Task task in tasksList )
amazingResult.Add( task.Complete( Task.Quality.BEST ) );
if( Utils.CheckForErrors( amazingResult ) )
amazingResult = amazingResult.FixErrors();
return new GreatProduct( amazingResult );

Unity 3D, Mobile & Web Development

Hello, my name is Igor - a guy behind the iMaslo Interactive Media Solutions.
I'm an open-minded Freelancer, Unity 3D, Mobile & Web-Developer with great experience and high motivation.

I started my way as Web Developer & Web Designer at 2009, аnd from that moment I didn't stop developing and with each passing day I acquired new experience and knowledge.

When a web-development has ceased to be a challenge for me, I continued to move on and began to learn a Game Development, especially Unity 3D Engine. Then, new programming languages such Java, c#, c++ and new technologies like IoT, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Information Security, Computer Vision and more.

I became a Freelancer to use all the knowledge and skills that I have accumulated and to continue further self-development.
Today, with the help of my colleagues and partners, I offer a full range of services from product characterization, design, developing, QA to publication and maintenance.

I will glad to turn your Idea into a reality, no matter how complicated it or crazy.

My Approach



The world around us is rapidly evolving, and so I'm. To keep up with the fast developing technologies, in every project I'm trying to do something new, whether it's a new approach or a new technology. This way, I'm always up to date with the latest developments, and the customer is satisfied with the product that will not soon become obsolete.



Many years of experience in a wide range of technological spheres taught me tо bring a maximum output with minimum input. My work methodology is а result of years of practice, learning from mistakes and conclusions. In addition to the efficient work, I believe that a well-designed and well-done product can save a lot of time and money, for my clients and me.



I am doing my best to produce only high-quality products, so I can't charge a client who is not fully satisfied with the product. In my opinion, a defective product is not a product at all. To guarantee a high quality of the product, I dividing each project into phases and features. Each phase or feature undergoes a thorough quality check before it merged into the main project. When the whole project is done, for a while, I am tracking the project functionality on the customer's side to make sure that everything works as expected in the production environment.

Thinking out of the Box

Thinking out of the Box

Not all the projects have a simple solution or similar products to learn from them. Some projects require a creative approach and thinking outside the box. Understanding that I'm focusing on achieving the goal and not on a particular method to solve it. Thanks to creative thinking, developed by years of experience in solving complex problems, I learned to find walkarounds for any pitfalls and creatively solve any issue.



I sincerely believe that "trust" is the cornerstone of any partnership and the customer's trust is paramount to me. I understand the client's disappointment when he is forced to look for a new freelancer at the most critical period for the project. Working with me, you do not need to worry about this issue. After starting working on a project, I will not give up until the job is done. Assuming the responsibility for the product I undertake to bring it to a close, аnd in any case, I will not leave the client with an unfinished project.



With years of experience, I acquired a variety of techniques and skills which help me to do my job with lightning speed. These days, I do in 2 hours the amount of work that used to take a whole day at my beginning. Over the years, thanks to the high concentration ability and constant self-improvement, I was able to multiply my performance and working speed few times without causing damage to the quality of a product.

My Experience